We are closed for the Christmas Break from December 20th 2024, our services will reopen on the 13th January 2025.

Happy Holidays!

Become A member of Brain Injury Waikato

The quarterly newsletter
Subsidised support group outings
Vote at the AGM
Borrow books & resources from our Library
Our bank account details:
SBS Bank, Victoria Street, Hamilton,
Account number: 03-1355-0691730-00

All donations over $5 are tax deductible, you can claim 33% of all donations made. We will help you to complete the ‘Tax credit claim form’ the end of the financial year.

You can use the form below to send us your membership details

If you have paid money directly into our bank account for membership fees or a donation, please email your membership form to admin@braininjurywaikato.org.nz for a receipt. When paying money directly into our bank account always add your name, if that is not possible please phone the office for a code.

Membership Form

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